Thursday, February 7

Daily dose of awesome

Little awesome moments happen every day. They just don't always make headline news...
Daily Dose of Awesome highlights the awesome little things that don't make headlines (but should).

Today's feature: 9 days of nice.
"...what if we devoted nine days to showing the world (and everybody in it) that we loved them?"
Yes and Yes
Starting today Sarah Von of the blog Yes and Yes is coordinating a get-out-the-nice effort. Each day, Feb 4-14, has a proposed do-gooder task including: write a positive yelp review for a small business you love, pay off someone's layaway plan, or clean up a public space...

Closer to home, I've learned that the Florida Trails Association organizes weekly work crews to do trail maintenance. (Trail runners rejoice!)

What good things could you do this week?

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