- Monday/Thursday: 100 push-ups
- Tuesday/Friday: 100 squats
- Wednesday/Saturday: 100 crunches
How did I do this week?
- Monday:
- 100 (modified) push-ups
- Tuesday:
- 100 squats (50-with leg lift)
- Wednesday:
- 180 cruches (100 regular, 40 bicycle, 40 reverse-crunches) + 30-second plank... and a massive round of muscle spasms the following day. I think I overdid it a little, no?
- Thursday:
- 100 (modified) push-ups
- Friday:
- 100 squats (40 regular, 40 with leg-lift, 20 with a 25-pound weight... erm... I mean toddler!)
- 1.5 mile run + 20 minutes on the stationary bike... Baby it's cold outside! (And icy.)
- Saturday:
- 100 crunches
- Sunday:
- 5.25 mile run
This week the sidewalks in the DC metro area were icy and temps were in the teens on the "warm" days.
The cold actually doesn't bother me. But the sidewalks were better suited to ice skating than running this week. so while I did plenty of
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