- Monday/Thursday: 100 push-ups
- Tuesday/Friday: 100 squats
- Wednesday/Saturday: 100 crunches
How did I do this week?
So... In case you missed last week's episode... we had an unwelcome household guest: a nasty stomach virus. Between last Saturday night and about mid-day on Friday we each had a round of serious stomach upheaval... and a shocking number of days required for recovery. (My sick leave bank at work is all but empty now. Ugh.)
- Monday: Hurling, heaving, and general unhappiness
- Tuesday: More hurling, heaving, and general unhappiness
- Wednesday: Subsisting on bananas and oatmeal... but at least the food is staying on this inside!
- 100 squats + 100 push-ups + 60 toe-raises (trying to make up for lost time)
- Thursday: More bananas and oatmeal
- Friday: Starting to sort of feel normal
- 100 squats + 50 push-ups (The kiddo climbed up on my back and I decided it was time to go outside and play instead...)
- 4 mile walk pushing the kiddo in a jogging stroller (That counts as arm work, no?)
- Saturday:
- 4.5 mile run (9:30 average pace)
- Sunday:
No core work this week.
Not a single crunch, plank, or sit-up.
And I'm not sorry about it, either.
I did enough puking to absolve myself of crunch responsibilities.
I'll get back on track next week.
I will say, though, that I look forward to a normal week next week. Saturday's squishy wet run - while slow, and soggy - felt like a welcome return to normalcy after a week of digestive disasters in our house!
For more posts in this series see Fitter in 15.
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