The themes this week: flier miles, fitness miles, and parenting advice
Congratulations to my blog buddy Alma, who had her baby last week!
I flew out of DCA, met friends in Boston, lunched on pizza and ice cream in the South End, hopped on a commuter train to Providence, and spent the evening catching up with family.
Total miles traveled: 490+
Total miles run: 0
Saturday: Baby shower!
It was wonderful to see family and friends but the marathon festival (12 hours and counting) of catching up didn't exactly count as a workout for anything other than my vocal chords...
Monday: 60 minutes on the stationary bike
Tuesday: 2 mile walk
Wednesday: 3 mile walk
Thursday: 2 mile walk
11 miles walked + 0 miles run + 60 minutes on the bike and... NO yoga! *sniff / sob *
...but lots of (and probably my last) frequent flier miles for many months!
For the first time in many months, I'm starting to believe it's possible to have a child who's not a total train wreck of tantrums and sleepless nights. Don't misunderstand -- I'm not delusional. ALL children have an occasional meltdown. But in this era of competitive American parenting, Bringing Up Bebe is a refreshing counterpoint.
By imposing some limits, allowing considerable freedom in many things, and by not making infants the ONLY thing that matters, French parents seem to have achieved an excellent balance between great parenting (read: excellent education and health among their children -- far better than in the U.S.) AND household/family sanity.
What surprises me is that, given the U.S. reputation for rugged individualism and self-reliance, we need to study French social norms to give our children some independence.
Public Service Message from Captain Obvious: These posts are not intended to be a set of week-by-week pregnancy workout guidelines. Every woman needs to do what's right for her and her baby, with a doctor's guidance, of course. I'd just like to keep y'all up to date on how things are going in my little world.
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