Saturday, August 18

Can do

This morning was the first Saturday morning in months that did not involve a crack-of-dawn alarm clock. The reason: no morning run on the schedule thanks to a bout of plantar fasciitis.

It's been six days of no running. By all accounts I should be going bonkers.

But here's the thing...
I stumbled across this quote and it has become my recovery mantra:
"When you catch yourself slipping into a pool of negativity, notice how it derives from nothing other than resistance to the current situation."
Donna Quesada, The Buddha in the Classroom: Zen Wisdom to Inspire Teachers
I'm trying not to fight the situation.

  • I can't run, but I can catch up on my reading goals for the year.
  • I can't run, but I can spend an hour on my stationary bike in the cool sanctuary of my air conditioned living room.
  • I can't run, but I can spend a morning preparing class materials for the start of fall semester.
  • I can't run, but I can fill the refrigerator with fresh produce and make delicious meals like whole wheat pasta with broccoli rabe and spicy chicken sausage.
  • I can't run, but I can sleep in one day for a change.
  • I can't run, but I can go to yoga class for the first time since May.

There is only one "can't" but there are a whole lot of "can-dos."

(PS - Dear readers, please remind me of this mantra if I still can't run 3 weeks from now and the effects of good these intentions wear off...)

What can you do this weekend that makes you happy?


  1. That quote was seriously just what I've been needing to read. I hope your PF clears up soon and that you CAN run in no time :)

  2. I'm always impressed by your attitude, missus- that's a great way to look at it! Hope recovery goes well... :)


Penny for your thoughts?