Friday: Closing on the new house. I'm not even going to try and call this a "rest day."
Saturday: 8 hours of cleaning and painting = workout (right?)
Sunday: More cleaning. More painting. 8 more hours, to be precise.
Monday: Waited around for 6 hours for the gas company to show up only to find out (on my FOURTH call to them) that they "accidentally" cancelled my appointment. $#%@#$%@
I didn't raise my heart rate, but my blood pressure sure went through the roof.
Tuesday: More cleaning...
Wednesday: More cleaning...
(Will it ever end???)
Thursday: 45 minute walk.
Um... Mostly new-house move-in chores.
This week I tried to run, but baby-belly was bouncing too much for it to be comfortable. (Guys and not-pregnant gals -- imagine running while someone presses on your abdomen with each step and makes you feel like you have to pee. I love to run. I love it too much to hate it while I'm doing it. Hence: walking.)
And yeah. I know. All the "what to expect" books say I shouldn't be so huge that I have a bouncing baby-belly yet. But I'm a leggy 5'3." With my short torso, this baby has nowhere to go but out.
Thankfully my Gabrialla Maternity Support Belt
Friday's run felt like magic.
(Special thanks to The Average Woman Runner for the support belt recommendation!)
*Public Service Message from Captain Obvious: These posts are not intended to be a set of week-by-week pregnancy workout guidelines. Every woman needs to do what's right for her and her baby, with a doctor's guidance, of course. I'd just like to keep y'all up to date on how things are going in my little world.
**Also worth noting, I bought the maternity belt. This isn't a plug for a comp product. The ugly sucker won't win any fashion awards, but it really did work.
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