Tuesday, September 13

A little change of pace

I have a fairly consistent exercise routine during the week that involves running, yoga, lifting, walking, and some stationary bike on rainy days. I have my "normal" routes. But this morning I wasn't quite ready to let go of summer, so I decided to head to the beach for a long walk before work. (Oh, the joys of starting work at 10am!)
So, with a cup of coffee in-hand, this is how I started my day.

I really should do this more often. I live in a place where other people go for vacation. But it is all too easy to take this sort of thing for granted when you live right around the corner.

Do you take full advantage of the place you live?
How do you mix up your weekly routine?


  1. How lucky you are to be able to walk to the beach.

    Sometimes I run my routes backwards, how exciting, right?

  2. Trying and utterly failing not to be jealous of a walk on the beach first thing in the morning - lucky you!! Glad you took advantage of it this morning. :) I try to vary my walk to the bus stop in the evenings at least once or twice a week, especially to include the Grand Canal here. Don't always have time though, unfortunately... (and winter might be a bit challenging, depending on snowfall) :)


Penny for your thoughts?