Tuesday, September 11

Book blogger love

Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!

What? This is a running blog?

Well, let's be honest: book reviews are part of the fun here at yes, folks. I read as much as I run, and have written a review or three. So I signed up for the BBAW "interview swap." My partner in crime the interview swap is McKenna, the blogger behind Young at Heart.

McKenna may be young, but puts me to shame with the volume of books she reads. And her review policy is one of the most detailed I've seen!

McKenna (right) with her mom and brother
YF: So, McKenna, I see you've got quite a long list of books you've read already this year. (60!!!) How many books do you typically read each month?

YaH: I try to sit down and read at least 30 minutes each day, but sometimes that doesn't happen due to my hectic schedule. I can usually average 6-8 books a month, but when I have extra time (like around Christmas) I can usually read about 10. By no means am I a fast reader though. It can take me 6-8 hours to read a 300 page book.

YF: What made you want to start blogging about the books you read?

YaH: I have always loved reading and have always been encouraged in my love. My friends and family, though, do not share my love so I never had anyone to talk to about the books I was reading. I had been following a few book blogs for a while when I finally decided that I would take the plunge. I set up a domain and a few hours later I had my first review up!

YF: You have a very clear review policy. How did you decide what to review and how you would review it?

YaH: Since I started my blog, my review policy has evolved quite a bit due to events in the blogging world, discoveries of genres I like/dislike, etc. Being a teenager, it was pretty much a given that I read YA books. I am a somewhat picky person, so I knew it was important to state EXACTLY what I liked so the publisher/author knew up front what I liked.

YF: Have you ever received a book to review that you really did NOT like? How did you deal with the review on your blog (and how did you deal with breaking the news to the author)?

YaH: Being a newer blogger, I haven't quite gotten to the point where I am recieving a huge amount of review requests. The requests I have gotten and accepted have been for books that I have enjoyed (so far). I am sure that one day in the near future the day will come when I have to take actions, but for now that has not happened.

YF:& What do you do in your free time when you're not reading?

YaH: I love to hang out with my friends, bake (especially cookies!), play volleyball, and watch trashy TV. Oh, and sleep :) The best time of day is when I can settle down on the couch and relax with and episode of The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad!

YF: Last, but not least, if you were stuck on a deserted island, what three books would you want to have with you, and why?

YaH: I would probably say the first or last three Harry Potter books. I have been meaning to re-read the series for a while now and they are pretty large so I figure they would tide me over at least for a little while. Plus, I would probably never get bored reading about Hogwarts.
For the record, with an average of 6-10 books a month, I can hardly believe McKenna says that she's not "a fast reader." I suppose, as in running, it's all about perspective. Heck, even Kara Goucher sometimes doubts her speed...

Dear readers, how would you answer these interview questions, especially that last one:
What book(s) would you want if you were stranded on a deserted island?