Wednesday, January 16

Rants & Raves (rave)

This week's rant would destroy even the strongest appetite, so today I've split Rants & Raves into separate posts to protect the squeamish...


Chinese takeout.

I was at work until 9pm. Hubby planned to cook dinner. (I even used my lunch break to buy groceries so he'd have something to cook.) But then he also got stuck working late. We both pulled into the driveway, famished, at nearly 10pm.

Fortunately there's Chinese takeout.

It's neither Chinese.

Nor healthy.

But after a 10+ hour workday the fried chicken wings, stir-fried broccoli in spicy sauce, and moo-shu pork were the most delicious meal I'd ever eaten. (Sort of like how ramen noodles taste AH-MAY-ZING when eaten beside a campfire after a long day of hiking, or how donuts are the most delicious thing on the planet when eaten after a marathon, and I don't even like donuts...)

So, tell me, what are you ranting or raving about this week?

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