Thursday, July 7

Running porn

My friend R recently posted a series of links on Facebook under the title "running porn."

After watching, I have to agree.

The most breathtaking is a slow-motion video of the male elite runners at this year's Boston Marathon. The video was shot at 300 frames per second at (approximately) mile 17, by Runblogger.

Is it weird that I find this video so beautiful?

Their running form is so fluid, graceful, and seemingly effortless (in slow motion). This is the kind of video that kindles the desire... to be a better runner.
(Hence: porn.)

And contrast that with Runblogger's video of mid-pack runners at the 10k mark of the Manchester City Marathon (2009). Ouch - the heel-strike on runner 2 and runner 4 makes me wince (and makes me hope I don't look like that when I run)!

Do you ever wonder what your own stride would look like in slow motion?


  1. YES. I wish I could have a video tape of myself so I could see where I'm going wrong...

  2. You want to see painful?


Penny for your thoughts?