Saturday, December 10

Streak week 3

Goodbye week 3 of the Runner's World holiday running streak! Week 1 was novel, week 2 made me feel hardcore, week 3 (not going to lie) is starting to wear me out. I had planned on a 14-mile run today (thinking I'd start training for a March marathon). But my legs are tired. Instead of 14 today, I decided on an easy couple of miles, and shifted my double-digit day to tomorrow.

Here's how the week shook out:
  1. Sunday - 12 tired miles
  2. Monday - 1 slow "recovery" mile around the neighborhood
  3. Tuesday - 2-fer Tuesday with 1.5 in the morning + 3.5 at night (and saw a pig munching on my neighbor's lawn!)
  4. Wednesday - 1.2 miles
  5. Thursday - 3.5 miles + tried a new yoga class
  6. Friday - 1.3 miles
  7. Saturday - 2 miles
This adds up to 26 miles for the week.

21 days down, 15 left to go!
(How much longer do I need to keep this up to join the US Running Streak Association? Maybe I should skip the marathon and make streaking my 2012 goal.)

What are your holiday running goals?


  1. My goal is to get back out there and run consistently. This stupid knee is seriously putting a cramp in my style.

  2. Great job this week! I'm a week and a half into the streak and I'm in that feeling good part! Next week when I have to do my 13 mile long run I may feel different, but I'm sticking with it like you!

  3. My goal is to just survive training for my first marathon.


Penny for your thoughts?